Pistol dis-assembling, Cleaning, re-assembling This class if for guys and gals where we will do a little shooting, then learn how to clean our firearms. We will start at 1PM with short safety brief, then an hour or so shooting to get your gun dirty. After shooting, we will "go hands on" dis-assembling, cleaning, re-assembling […]
Girls Weekend is a Saturday private event for friends of Summer J. to experience the freedom we have in America to handle and operate firearms. Day will consist of safety orientation and discussion, hands on, then live fire. Items to bring: Firearm & holster, Ammo, (100 rounds target ammo), Eye & Ear protection, comfortable closed […]
If you're looking to try out your new toy or just practice with your old one, we are having open range day on Wednesday the 27th and Thursday the 28th. By appointment only, message us for your time slot. Donations are welcome. Mark
Saturday, April 6th, 2024, 11AM to 2 or 3 A fun day of dad's and daughter's learning firearm safety and marksmanship. Bring a sack lunch, notepad, snacks, drinks, we have a (refrigerator) wear closed toed shoes, high neck shirt, folding chairs, American Heritage Girls is a character development program dedicated to the mission of building […]
Open / Coed Range Day This practice is a mixture of guys and gals, at different skill levels, and a slightly faster pace with minimal amount of teaching. Items to bring, FA and 3 mags, holsters if you have, 100 rounds of target ammo, PPE, snacks and drinks, range attire, etc. Please arrive on range […]
Introduction to Handgun Safety, Handling and Range Etiquette This is a great class prior to taking or after taking your CWP class, beginners and for those who are experienced, ... no judgement here!!! Everyone learns something new! Approximately three-hour course of: Safe handling of firearms and ammo, on and off the range. Discussion, (short), of […]
Introduction to Handgun Safety, Handling and Range Etiquette This is a great class prior to taking or after taking your CWP class, beginners and for those who are experienced, ... no judgement here!!! Everyone learns something new! Approximately three-hour course of: Safe handling of firearms and ammo, on and off the range. Discussion, of why […]